Jaar, Lament of the Images


Jaar, Lament of the Images

“JAAR, lament of the images”  observes Alfredo Jaar’s creative process, he’s one of the most relevant contemporary artists. His works address big issues in different parts of the world, such as immigration at the Mexico and USA border, genocide in Rwanda o the military coup in Chile. Jaar believes that art is “the last place” of freedom in our society and from that trench, he displays his work as an act of resistance. This is the first film done about this great artist and is also a journey through his work, with exhibitions in Finland, Venice, Buenos Aires, Santiago and New York. The soundtrack of the documentary is by his son Nicolas Jaar, one of the most influential musicians of the world current electronica.… >>>

  • Duration: 78 Min.
  • Director: Paula Rodríguez Sickert