The Source of the Absolute Knowledge
Welcome to the colorful world of the Power PC. Somewhere at the end of this odyssey must be the source of absolute knowledge.… >>>
- Duration: 5 Min.
- Director: Christine Gensheimer
A selection of outstanding short and shorter films and videos.
Welcome to the colorful world of the Power PC. Somewhere at the end of this odyssey must be the source of absolute knowledge.… >>>
Louis II of Bavaria has been petrified in the ice since time immemorial. Three witch sisters try to defrost him and unravel its musical mystery.… >>>
The long winter is finally over and spring is ringing ... Everything moves. Stupid things get stuck. It's your choice. Or like the French say: ehhh ... boff. Boff!… >>>
What is missing in a time when mouths are covered by masks?… >>>
What does it sound like to move from one room to the other in the future?… >>>
Spring at the Vienna Lake, but still too cold to swim. Nobody there who wants to be filmed.… >>>
This music video shows the ups and downs of adolescent hormonal rides. "Hullabaloo" in this context represents the spectacle and chaotic state that is coming of age. In the split screen, clips from various coming-of-age films emerge like a sacred triptych, visualizing a particularly special phase of life.… >>>
Michael Heindl fulfills the dream of all precariously working artists: the creation of a work of art without production costs.… >>>
Object and media magician Anna Vasof proves that the head can do everything.… >>>
An intensive photo session.… >>>
In the early morning hours on May 1, 2014, something unusual happens in a public square in eastern Berlin. Passers-by are surprised and delighted, the police are at a loss.… >>>
Dancing, sweating, jumping and celebrating close together! The footage from past carnival parades and the sequence of party photos show crowds of people bathing in loud music carefree. In the voice-over, the desire for ecstatic celebrations resounds, which the protagonist carries with the lyrics of "Eu Vou Esse Ano Pra Lua" - alone and unmistakable - onto the empty streets in her neighborhood.… >>>
A faux autobiographical look at my parents who, supposedly, starred in many porn/adult/erotic movies in the 1960s.… >>>
To the 41 second track by Blueblut, an armored creature shimmers in all shades.… >>>
In 1998, the new electric WC from Japan can be admired at friends' homes. An even more modern one follows a year later. There are strict requirements for men.… >>>