„Frauen zu zweit – das geht zu weit” is the recurring refrain in the track of the feminist Cloudrap Duo Klitclique. In the music video by Anna Spanlang the two MCs G-Udit and $chwanger function as literal projection surface for famous male duos, who's faces have mostly been distorted, though. In between: objects modeled from ceramics on rotating turntables. Whereas the song satirizes gestures of dominance, the video mocks the iconography of male fraternity. "You have run out of time, it is over now."

  • Duration: 2 Min.
  • Countries: Austria
  • Languages: German
  • Subtitles: English
  • Production year: 2020

  • Director: KLITCLIQUE, Anna Spanlang
  • Camera: Anna Spanlang