
The 38th Kassel Dokfest looks back on the first hybrid festival edition

After the festival could only take place online in 2020, we very much enjoyed welcoming back a part of our audience as well as filmmakers and artists on site. The personal encounters at the cinema and in the numerous events of the supporting program were very enriching and brought back the festival feeling. With due caution, just over 3,500 viewers found seats at 95 screenings in the festival cinemas, which is about 40% of the occupancy under pre-pandemic conditions.

The media art exhibition Monitoring, the DokfestForum and the DokfestConnection and other sections were visited by about 3,100 guests on site within the current access restrictions.

The additional program on DokfestOnline allowed over 8,000 viewers to access DokfestStreams with 211 films from home, and the free DokfestChannels had over 1,000 views. In total, the hybrid form meant that around 15,700 visitors had the opportunity to participate in the festival, through on-site events and the digital program.

The first fully hybrid festival edition was, under dynamically changing conditions, challenging but the festival team was encouraged by the positive feedback to be on the right track.

The Kassel Dokfest will therefore continue to be organized in hybrid form. The 39th festival edition will take place from 15-20.11.2022 (online until 27.11.).