Volcano: What Does a Lake Dream?

The Azores Archipelago is a unique place in the Atlantic Ocean, situated on the Triple Junction between three tectonic plates. This creates a geological mythical land, where history can be explored both scientifically but also imagined from a fictional standpoint. Volcanoes emerge from the depths of the boiling earth to destroy and create the stories written on the surface, making way for an abstract language eruption. A 16-mm film whose surface pulsates like the volcanic earth of the island it depicts.

  • Duration: 21 Min.
  • Countries: Portugal / France / Romania
  • Languages: Portuguese
  • Subtitles: English
  • Production year: 2019

  • Director: Diana Vidrascu
  • Production: Jesse James, Diana Vidrascu
  • Sound: Diana Vidrascu
  • Music: Paul Régimbeau