
In the east of Germany, a brutal incident occurred just a few years ago. A young refugees’ incomprehensible comments are causing irritation and fear at the supermarket checkout. He's got a wine bottle in his hand and apparently can’t pay for it. He is asked by another employee to put the bottle down. Three men storm into the shop and overwhelm the man brutally. They beat him and tie the defenseless man to a tree with cable straps until the police arrives. Is this moral courage or self-justice? The case ends up in court. The video artist Mario Pfeifer recreates the scene and provokes the audience to controversial discussions as he escalates and exaggerates the incident.

  • Duration: 39 Min.
  • Countries: Germany
  • Languages: German, Kurdish, English, Spanish
  • Subtitles: English
  • Production year: 2019

  • Director: Mario Pfeifer
  • Production: Mario Pfeifer
  • Sound: Thomas Wallmann
  • Music: Kamran Sadeghi
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