The Hamlet Syndrome

| The Hamlet Syndrome

"To be or not to be" – what does that mean in war, under torture, or when decisions have to be made where there is no justifiable option? The film portrays the young Ukrainian generation, scarred by war and political upheaval since 2014. Five people prepare a theatre performance that questions the emergence of nationalist sentiments in the country. How should their society change? On stage, the participants deal with their war traumas after their return from the Donbas; today we know that only a little later, Russia's renewed invasion hit them.

  • Duration: 86 Min.
  • Countries: Poland, Germany
  • Languages: Ukrainian, Russian
  • Subtitles: English
  • Production year: 2022

  • Director: Elwira Niewiera, Piotr Rosolowski
  • Camera: Piotr Rosolowski
  • Editing: Agata Cierniak
  • Sound: Jonathan Schorr, Marcin Lenarczyk, Jaroslaw Sadowski, Andrii Nidzelskyi
  • Production: Andreas Banz, Matthias Miegel, Magdalena Kaminska, Agata Szymanska, Robert Thalheim