Fire of Love

| Fire of Love

Two people in shimmering silver suits dance on the edge of an abyss – the crater of a volcano. They are lovers who surrender to the power of the fire they adore. Katia and Maurice Krafft, a pair of volcanologists, have left behind a visually stunning archive of footage of their explorations. With FIRE OF LOVE, director Sara Dosa gives us these images and creates a monumental memorial that infatuates and enchants. The result is a threefold homage: to Katia and Maurice, to cinema and to life. A film as hot as a volcano.

  • Duration: 93 Min.
  • Countries: United States, Canada
  • Languages: English
  • Subtitles: German
  • Production year: 2022

  • Director: Sara Dosa
  • Camera: Pablo Álvarez Mesa
  • Editing: Erin Casper, Jocelyne Chaput
  • Sound: Patrice LeBlanc
  • Production: Shane Boris, Ina Fichman