Another Beautiful Dream

| Fabrication of Beauty
(BALi, KulturBahnhof Kassel)

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The film formulates a postcolonial answer to the chinoiserie as visual depiction of Chinese culture. The starting point is 18th century wallpaper in 'Harewood House', an English manor house that the filmmaker visited. Exotic artefacts such as Chinese wallpaper were a crucial part od the taste culture rural English nobility had, it was a safe way of dealing with the foreign. By exploring the foreign and thereby constructing its own, modern British identity took shape during the heyday of maritime trade. ANOTHER BEAUTIFUL DREAM connects its research with four monologues. Through the four positions, shaped by different life experiences, the historical design objects appear in ever new perspectives.

  • +DokfestOnline
  • Duration: 14 Min.
  • Countries: United Kingdom
  • Languages: English
  • Subtitles: English
  • Production year: 2022
  • Premiere: World Premiere

  • Director: Clare Chun-yu Liu
  • Camera: Clare Chun-yu Liu
  • Editing: Clare Chun-yu Liu
  • Production: Clare Chun-yu Liu