Liebe Angst

| Liebe Angst

Ever since the mother of six-year-old Lore was snatched away by Nazis in front of her eyes and never returned, and after Lore survived in hiding, fear, pain and guilt have been a part of her, a part she has passed on to her two children without ever talking about it. Kim, who is a singer, breaks the silence, confronts the trauma, implores coming to terms with what has happened, often with humor. The story of a daughter and of her Jewish mother. The search for a whole that is larger than the narrow confines of the fate of one’s own family. How do you find your way out of these circles and into your own life? (Livia Theuer)

  • Duration: 81 Min.
  • Countries: Germany
  • Languages: German, English
  • Subtitles: English
  • Production year: 2022

  • Director: Sandra Prechtel
  • Camera: Susanne Schüle
  • Editing: Andreas Zitzmann
  • Sound: Urs Krüger, Anders Wasserfall
  • Production: Mike Beilfuß, Urs Krüger, Annekatrin Hendel