
| Herbaria

HERBARIA explores geopolitical, biographical and material connections between collections of plants and films. The delicate tones of the 16mm shots lend visibility to the mostly invisible work with the sensitive materials of nature and culture. Archival material, text panels and interviews reflect conditions of the preservation of flora and film. Through the medium of the montage, different times and spaces merge with each other. The film invites us to look from the future to the preservation of the present and the past. In memory of a world that insists on seeming to be in danger of disappearing. (Philip Widmann)

  • Duration: 83 Min.
  • Countries: Argentina, Germany
  • Languages: Spanish
  • Subtitles: English
  • Production year: 2022
  • Premiere: German Premiere

  • Director: Leandro Listorti
  • Camera: Fidel González Armatta
  • Editing: Leandro Listorti
  • Sound: Roberta Ainstein, Roberta Ainstein
  • Production: Paula Zyngierman