Kasseler Dokumentarfilm- und Videofest



Since 1996 the exhibition Monitoring completes the profile of the Kassel Dokfest. Up to 17 contemporary media installations and sculptures will be presented in the KulturBahnhof and the Kasseler Kunstverein during the festival. 

There is no entrance fee for the exhibition, fulfilling the festival’s aim to make the installations accessible to a broader audience and foster fascinated about current developments in media art.  

The exhibition enhances the cinematographic scope of the festival. The special character of the exhibition is due to its open call nature, without any thematic restrictions. Up-and-coming as well as well-known artists show an interest in Monitoring. This unique side-by-side of advanced and promising new approaches is mirrored in the perception of the exhibition.

The thematic direction of the exhibition is the result of the topical focus displayed in the submitted works. The Jury – a network of eight engaged artists and curators – selects the works to be shown according to the current artistic oeuvre of every year.

The exhibition is organized in cooperation with the Kasseler Kunstverein, the Kulturdezernat/documenta Archiv of the City of Kassel and the Stellwerk.

Golden Cube

All works selected for the exhibition Monitoring compete for the “Golden Cube”, the prize for the best media installation, endowed with 3.500 € and sponsored by the software company Micromata GmbH, located in Kassel.

Next to the “White Cube” of the showroom of contemporary art and the “Black Cube”, the room of film presentation painted black, the “Golden Cube” takes in an in-between position and explicitly promotes the interaction of spatial and audio-visual aspects of media installations.