Kasseler Dokumentarfilm- und Videofest


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The Last Shift

When we talk about something happening for the last time, we feel nostalgic. But if nothing changes, everything stops, and change happens if there is a need for it. In terms of employment it's mostly for economic reasons, with a complete lack of interest for the individual. This program records the last days of four places of work and asks about the conditions and change of employment in the context of modern society.

Thursday, January 01th 1970 at 16:00 h, Großes BALi

Mechanical Dream

Mechanical Dream

Being a major industry product of the former communist state, Crvena Zastava cars contributed both in a historic and a symbolic way to creation of the “authentic” national identity of Yugoslav nations. Yet, they were entirely imitating Fiat car models from the very beginnings of the factory. In accordance to ambitions and paradoxes of the system that produced them, those cars represented something of a collective “mechanical dream”, which was synonymous to the 20th century progressive West and of its consumer-driven society;USA was actually the market where Crvena Zastava ("red flag") reached its exportation peak! After the break apart of Yugoslavia in 1990’s, which was followed by general collapse of its economy (lead by the same car factory), the image of socialist society changed dramatically: its “authentic” values disappeared and its former identity was deconstructed entirely. The new fate of the factory (as that of many other factories in "countries in transition") and its social reality bring a “solution” for that crisis;a solution whose consequences remain unknown when viewed through lens of economic and cultural colonialism. The film has been inspired by the news that Crvena Zastava, former Yugoslavia's state car factory (now in Serbia), had been sold to Italian automobile magnate Fiat. The video deals with culture and social phenomenon which this event has triggered.

  • Serbien
  • 11:00 Min.
  • Director: Iva Kontić
  • Languages: serbisch
  • Subtitles: englische
  • Year: 2011
German Premiere

Over and Out

Over and Out

Today the rescue worker Martin goes to work just like he did for the last six years. But this is not a normal day for him. It is his last day at Kolga-Jaani Command Unit. Martin and his six colleagues will lose their jobs due to a national cost-savings programme when their Command Unit in a remote Estonian settlement is closed down for good.

  • Estland
  • 15:00 Min.
  • Director: Toomas Järvet
  • Languages: estnisch
  • Subtitles: englische
  • Year: 2011

Chairs Missing

Chairs Missing

Fascinating not-quite-encounters with great suggestion and a high level of suspense during the last days of a swimming pool. This pool is now closed and demolished.

  • Niederlande
  • 18:42 Min.
  • Director: Bea de Visser
  • Year: 2011

Sack Barrow

Sack Barrow

Sack Barrow explores a small family run factory in the outskirts of London. It was set up in 1931 to provide work for limbless and disabled ex-servicemen until the factory finally went into liquidation this year. The film observes the environment and daily routines of the final month of the six workers. Years of miniature chemical and mineral processes transform the space into another world. Towards the end an extract of The Green Child by Herbert Read describes the descent into a watery cave world.

  • Großbritannien
  • 21:00 Min.
  • Director: Ben Rivers
  • Year: 2011

Workers Leaving the Factory (Again)

Workers Leaving the Factory (Again)

A long, dark corridor, lit by neon lights, into which, one after another, more and more women enter from the side. The camera films them from behind as they advance purposefully. Katharina Gruzei is alluding here to a film by the brothers Lumiere: "La sortie de l'usine de Lyon", which shows workers leaving a factory. But she has shifted the action to the inside of the place of production, and, through skillful editing, the route the workers have to take to get outside seems endless. This treadmill effect provokes questions about the form, position and changing nature of work in our time.

  • Österreich
  • 11:00 Min.
  • Director: Katharina Gruzei
  • Year: 2012