Objects in the Mirror Are Closer than They Appear

(BALi, KulturBahnhof Kassel)

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The cautionary sentence “Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear” is written on every rear-view mirror of all cars produced today. But does “closer” mean in time or in space, or both? And actually, how is space measured in relation to time? What ideological, scientific, political, moral and natural factors influence the experience of proximity and distance? For example, towards a war that is happening right now kilometers away, or the occupation of a land that took place years ago. Can trauma be translated and measured and used in the court of law to attest to a war crime? While looking through a loupe at their subjects in front of their respective historical backdrop, the four films in this program intermingle the above mentioned questions and deconstruct the normative experiences of measurement in scientific, military and ecological context. (Azin Feizabadi)


ROTOR portrays a series of still objects on display filmed over the last 6 years: Wankel motors, clocks and armillary spheres, pianos and apples. The intuitions, dreams and developments of their times lay in each of them: speed and progress, the rotation of heavenly bodies and the force of gravitation, the summers that ripen the apples hanging from the tree branches.… >>>

  • +DokfestOnline
  • Duration: 16 Min.
  • Premiere: Europe Premiere
    • Director: Ainara Elgoibar

    Our Ark

    An essay film on our efforts to create a virtual replica of the real world. We are backing up the planet, creating 3D models of animals, rainforests, cities and people. We are archiving as if ecological collapse could be staved off through some digital Noah’s Ark of beasts and objects.… >>>

    • Duration: 13 Min.
  • Nominated: A38-Production Grant Kassel-Halle
    • Director: Kathryn Hamilton, Deniz Tortum

    Marine Target

    In 1944/45, the US-Navy researched the optimal height for a nuclear bomb detonation at Salton Sea. In "Project Y" ballistic and aerodynamic behaviors of different bomb types were studied by way of test targets. “Marine Target 10MA” still seems to be contaminated from its original purpose: birds rot, metal rusts on long-dried mud. Between equilateral steel constructions vacant nests tell of vain attempts at founding life here. MARINE TARGET registers all of that, layers the history of the location onto its frames before it becomes a target itself.… >>>

    • +DokfestOnline
    • Duration: 9 Min.
    • Director: Lukas Marxt

    Am Band

    Maggie and Rainer search the line for a radio contact.… >>>

    • +DokfestOnline
    • Duration: 8 Min.
    • Director: Emil Silvester Ahlhelm

    In Flow of Words

    IN FLOW OF WORDS follows the narratives of three interpreters of the International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia. They interpreted shocking testimonies from witnesses, victims and perpetrators, without ever allowing their own emotions, feelings and personal histories to be present. Contrary to their position at the tribunal, this film places their voices and experiences center stage.… >>>

    • +DokfestOnline
    • Duration: 22 Min.
    • Director: Eliane Esther Bots