40 Years Kassel Dokfest – Replay: Images. Wars.

(kleines BALi, KulturBahnhof Kassel)

Looking at the programs of the Kassel Dokfest in the 1990s, red threads become visible that shaped the decade thematically and are still relevant in the present. For example, one becomes aware of how much the 1990s were a decade of wars, the aftermath of which can still be felt today. The hot wars that broke out on a global scale at the end of the "Cold War" also dramatically changed our relationship to the photographic image, which in turn posed an acute challenge to film and video makers and thus also to the Kassel Dokfest. The increasing mechanization and digitization of image production led to fundamental doubts about the veracity of what was shown and thus about the visibility of wars. The forensic utility of the documentary image came under scrutiny, as did its ability to generate empathy. The program brings to mind four works that reflect the spectrum of ethical and aesthetic questions that were at stake in the process and that, 30 years later and in the face of new wars, are of undiminished relevance (Tobias Hering, curator of the program).

Guest: Ala Younis (Artistic Director of the Academy of the Arts of the World, Cologne)
The conversation will be held in English.

(It Was) Just a Job

The fear for my loved ones. The powerlessness in my room. The lies in the media.… >>>

  • Duration: 5 Min.
  • Director: Samir

Ich wollte einfach dieses Foto haben

The film is based on conversations with war photographer Olaf Wyludda, who was injured while trying to photograph people fleeing from shelling in a Croatian town. At stake here is also the apparent contradiction between eyewitnessing and losing empathy.… >>>

  • Duration: 25 Min.
  • Director: Thomas Kutschker

The Dead Weight of a Quarrel Hangs

The video deals with the notorious impossibility of a historiography of the wars waged in Lebanon between 1975 and 1991. Using seemingly random footage, Walid Raad evokes imaginary and therein symptomatic events.… >>>

  • Duration: 17 Min.
  • Director: Walid Raad

Eye/Machine II

As part of Harun Farocki's intense exploration of "intelligent" machines, the video shows how military image and control techniques successively seep into everyday life. With its stance between enlightenment and protest, this split-screen work stands for a widespread ambivalence at the end of the 1990s.… >>>

  • Duration: 16 Min.
  • Director: Harun Farocki