junges dokfest – Watch and Understand Documentary Film

Up-to-date information on junges dokfest - Bilderwelten denken, Kinoraum erleben, the educational program during this year's Dokfest can be found on our main website.

junges dokfest – Watch and Understand Documentary Film is a film program targeted at a younger audience to get them involved in the festival and allow 8th­ to 13th­ year students to better get to know documentaries as a genre. This offers them an opportunity to be exposed to the diversity of this genre and to talk to the filmmak­ers that will be in Kassel as part of the festival.

The program of films is curated under the direc­tion of the art educator Karin Balkenhol, media educator Stefan Bornemann, cinematographer Alexander du Prel and cultural manager/ animator Sabine Schmidt. junges dokfest – Watch and Understand Documentary Film is organized by the Dokfest Kassel in cooperation with the Regularity Authority for Commercial Broadcasting in Hesse (LPR Hessen).

Screening Commission 2019: 

Karin Balkenhol

Stefan Bornemann

Alexander du Prel

Sabine Schmidt

35. Kasseler Dokfest | junges dokfest