Too Close


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Too Close

When Andrea’s 9-year-old daughter finds the courage to share the darkest secret with her mother, Andrea realizes that nothing will ever be the same. She must fight to build a new, safe life for her children from the ashes of her past. An intimate portrait of a loving family shattered by a domestic tragedy. With all due care and respect, the long-term consequences are meticulously revealed. How can victims of sexual, social and structural violence ever step out of the shadows of their harrowing experiences? How can they endure social relationships that were inexcusably abused? (Christina Zimmermann)… >>>

  • +DokfestOnline
  • Duration: 85 Min.
  • Premiere: German Premiere
  • Nominated: A38-Production Grant Kassel-Halle
    • Director: Botond Püsök