
(BALi, KulturBahnhof Kassel)

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How do we relate to the non-human actors we are inevitably interconnected with? What new criteria to introduce and what concepts to rewrite in order to think the human as part of a dynamic and vibrant continuum? Intertwined animals, plants, machines, cables, databases, biological and digital sensors, skin, hair, shells, antennas and humans constitute a possible vital configuration among infinite possibilities. This compilation explores some of the naturecultures in which we are inscribed as a species: the industrialization and programming of the natural, learning by coexistence, the speciesist displacement of natural habitats, the circularity and interchangeability of biological processes, the digital replication of life after its announced extinction, as well as the question of what it means and how to be human discussed by various AI actors.(Maria Morata)


Agrilogistics looks at recent technological trans- formations in contemporary industrial agriculture. Tulip bulbs, chrysanthemum stems and vine tomatoes are processed through cameras, fee- ding datasets that regulate their own growth. Du- ring the day, the greenhouse is a cinematic device, an automated film set optimized for the mass pro- duction of fruits and flowers. At night, the factory stops: without an inside or an outside, the green- house becomes an oneiric chamber where plants, animals and machines form new entanglements… >>>

  • +DokfestOnline
  • Duration: 21 Min.
  • Nominated: A38-Production Grant Kassel-Halle
    • Director: Gerard Ortín Castellví

    Los nudos que anudamos (The Knots We Knot)

    From coexistence - between both artists and the environment - they create a film of direct yet poetic language, where the elements of the environment, well known in depth, reveal their condition of symbiosis; that is to say, they are shown as interrelated and interdependent, taking care of some elements of others. The images dialogue with fragments of the readings that the artists had previously shared in order to reflect on this symbiotic condition of beings.… >>>

    • +DokfestOnline
    • Duration: 8 Min.
  • Premiere: German Premiere
    • Director: Bárbara Sánchez Barroso, Adriana Vila Guevara

    Our Ark

    An essay film on our efforts to create a virtual replica of the real world. We are backing up the planet, creating 3D models of animals, rainforests, cities and people. We are archiving as if ecological collapse could be staved off through some digital Noah’s Ark of beasts and objects.… >>>

    • Duration: 13 Min.
  • Nominated: A38-Production Grant Kassel-Halle
    • Director: Kathryn Hamilton, Deniz Tortum

    At The Habitat

    Ein Lebensraum ist ein Ort, an dem sich Lebewesen ansiedeln und leben, einschließlich der Umweltbedingungen und sowohl biotischer als auch abiotischer Faktoren. Die natürliche Schaffung von Lebensräumen ist also knifflig. Hier sind zwei Tiere von der Größe einer Münze. Sie werden von einer anderen Art zwangsumgesiedelt. Aus diesem Grund wurde der Weg, den sie früher gegangen sind, blockiert und es gibt überall tiefe Fallen. Sie bewegen sich vorsichtig und setzen alle ihre Sinne ein, aber können sie diese Fallen umgehen?… >>>

    • +DokfestOnline
    • Duration: 13 Min.
  • Premiere: Europe Premiere
    • Director: Inhan Cho

    New Bugs

    In NEW BUGS, things merge, collide, and intrude each other. At one point a bird eats worms, and the second moment worms eat the carcass of a bird. Everything goes around. NEW BUGS is the sixth part in Rinne’s series of films that construct image and sound by layering and recycling analog and digital fragments.… >>>

    • +DokfestOnline
    • Duration: 6 Min.
  • Premiere: World Premiere
    • Director: Miia Rinne

    3 Dialogues About the Future

    What is it like to navigate our world as an artificially intelligent robot? What is there to learn about homo sapiens in order to become as “human” as possible? Three pairs of robots take us through their learning process. They track, analyse and draw information by watching people in different life situations. But their algorithmic vision comes in contrast with a meditative, rather poetic dialogue in which they deconstruct and reassemble the definition of humanity as we know it.… >>>

    • +DokfestOnline
    • Duration: 14 Min.
  • Premiere:
    • Director: Alina Manolache