
| Simulamatter
(BALi, KulturBahnhof Kassel)

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Agrilogistics looks at recent technological trans- formations in contemporary industrial agriculture. Tulip bulbs, chrysanthemum stems and vine tomatoes are processed through cameras, fee- ding datasets that regulate their own growth. Du- ring the day, the greenhouse is a cinematic device, an automated film set optimized for the mass pro- duction of fruits and flowers. At night, the factory stops: without an inside or an outside, the green- house becomes an oneiric chamber where plants, animals and machines form new entanglements

  • +DokfestOnline
  • Duration: 21 Min.
  • Countries: Spain, United Kingdom
  • Languages: No dialogues
  • Subtitles: No subtitles
  • Production year: 2022

  • Director: Gerard Ortín Castellví
  • Camera: Gerard Ortín Castellví
  • Sound: Oriol Campi Solé
  • Nominated: A38-Production Grant Kassel-Halle