Europa Passage

| Europa Passage

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Maria and Tirloi migrated to Germany along with relatives from a Roma settlement in Romania to escape poverty and a lack of prospects. In Hamburg they sleep under railway viaducts and beg in front of churches or shopping centres like the Europa Passage. It takes three years until Tirloi gets a job and a room in the church community. Maria travels back home again and again until she man- ages to bring her granddaughter back to Hamburg with her so that she can go to school there. An atmospheric film that destroys prejudices and commands respect.(Livia Theuer)

  • +DokfestOnline
  • Duration: 90 Min.
  • Countries: Germany
  • Languages: Romanian
  • Subtitles: German
  • Production year: 2021

  • Director: Andrei Schwartz
  • Camera: Susanne Schüle
  • Editing: Rune Schweitzer
  • Sound: Stefan Brück, Marin Cazacu, Helge Haack, Giacomo Goldbecker, Simon Bastian
  • Production: Stefan Schubert