Zniknięcie Janusza Klarnera (The Disappearance of Janusz Klarner)

| University Portrayal: The Polish National Film, Television and Theatre School Lodz
(kleines BALi, KulturBahnhof Kassel)

In 1939 Janusz Klarner reaches the Nanda Devi East peak in the Himalayas. Everything that happened later seems to be a consequence of this act. The avalanche of events comes back in the memories of the hero like a terrible dream. A broken taboo cannot be forgotten in a country that is reborn in the new communist order.

  • Duration: 11 Min.
  • Countries: Poland
  • Languages: No dialogues
  • Subtitles: No subtitles, English
  • Production year: 2021

  • Director: Franciszek Berbeka