The selected films show a wide range of student work, from first-year films to graduation films. Each film reflects an original artistic approach by the students, and all films reflect the Lodz Film School's approach to documentary filmmaking.
Pick a spot and watch. Listen in. The main characters of this film are residents of the Studzieniec youth detention center. It is an open facility, resembling a compulsory summer camp rather than a high-security prison. In places like this, the residents are not given sentences in years. They cannot leave until the day of their 21st birthday. They stay in touch with the outer world mainly by use of a landline phone in the supervisor’s room.… >>>
German Premiere
- Director: Patrycja Polkowska
In Łódź, there is a group of young people who love basketball. They can't hear the voice of the world. They can’t communicate in vocal language. But they communicate in their own way, do what they love in their own way.… >>>
The political situation in Belarus forced Dima to flee the country. Fearing for his loved ones, he constantly maintains contact with those who had to stay there. Despite his various efforts to start a new life in Poland, he keeps fighting the shadow of his past.… >>>
The film is a story about Piotr, the director's brother, and her closest family living in the Polish countryside. Piotr enters adulthood. The film made by his sister becomes a pretext for a journey towards brother's greatest secrets. It is a film about growing up, love, art andharmony with nature.… >>>