Synaptic Storm
Impressions, associations, questions and episodes are not only the elements with which films can be made, they are also the results that can arise inside our minds in the process of viewing a film. Especially when it comes to the input of the psyche, this can play out in very confusing though also fascinating ways. In film, as in the mind, the boundaries between confused events, dream-like states and mental breakdowns are already fluid. With a little bit of luck, maybe it was all only a dream and we will wake to find ourselves rescued from the storm of synapses.
The Timeslide
Time is a strange concept that when trying to understand it, always creates strange images in one's mind. One of these is a slide in the middle of a playground. In rest, it is a sublime object that can make time stand still;when in use, it is the slope to dynamism of a short and intensely experienced moment.
- Kanada
- 00:06:00
- Director: Ariana Andrei
- Production: xxxx
- Photography: xxxx
- Editing: xxxx
- Music: xxxx
- Sound: xxxx
- Year: 2012
- Europe Premiere
Separate Vacations
The video footage of the meeting of Pope John Paul II and Fidel Castro is the starting point for a bizarre found footage montage. In this retelling, the visual and acoustic extravaganzas of world politics and paranoia film enter into a disconcertingly coherent and aesthetic liaison.
- Kanada
- 00:08:00
- Director: Cameron Moneo
- Production: xxxx
- Photography: xxxx
- Editing: xxxx
- Music: xxxx
- Sound: xxxx
- Languages: en
- Subtitles: en
- Year: 2012
- Europe Premiere
Alice in the Sky
Was sich da bei Nacht zwischen Mensch und Tier ereignet, kann doch nur einem merkwürdigem Traum entspringen. Oder ist es etwa eine Form von kollektiver, artenübergreifender Hypnose? In diesem stimmungsvollen Musikvideo sind die Pferdchen und Hündchen und Vögelchen jedenfalls genauso dressiert und wild, wie ihre menschlichen Genossen.
- Schweiz
- 00:04:50
- Director: Jonas Meier, Mike Raths
- Production: Alex Schweizer
- Photography: Beni Wülser und Mike Raths
- Editing: Mike Raths
- Music: Rusconi
- Sound: Rusconi
- Year: 2012
- Website
A Day for Cake and Accidents
A two-headed female artiodactyl and her male second head celebrate their birthday with their animal friends. From the talk of the day the conversation moves on to astrology and more or less central questions of life. This is gaudy, animated and colorful, includes disco sounds and dancing, but the party somehow goes awry.
- Großbritannien
- 00:04:09
- Director: Jessie Mott, Steve Reinke
- Production: xxxx
- Photography: xxxx
- Editing: xxxx
- Music: xxxx
- Sound: xxxx
- Languages: en
- Year: 2013
- German Premiere
Weirdo's Brain
Dahin wo Synapsen das Zentrum für abwegige sexuelle Fantasien kitzeln, führt uns diese Animation. Freud und Leid liegen dort nah beisammen – irgendwo zwischen Ikea-Katalog, Playboy, dem starren Knetgesicht und dessen Kopfreise zu den expliziten Abgründen geschlechtlicher Dinglichkeit. In emotionslosem Stop and Motion wird dort Sex fantasiert.
- Deutschland
- 00:13:33
- Director: Bianca Kennedy
- Production: Bianca Kennedy
- Photography: Felix Kraus
- Editing: Felix Kraus
- Music: Bianca Kennedy
- Sound: Bianca Kennedy
- Year: 2012
- Website
Walk in the Flesh
- Portugal
- 00:06:30
- Director: Filipe Afonso
- Production: Filipe Afonso
- Photography: Filipe Afonso
- Editing: Filipe Afonso
- Music: -
- Sound: Filipe Afonso
- Year: 2013
- Website
- Europe Premiere
Polis X
Welcome to Polis X, a utopian city-state, which offers an outlook to all possible human existences. This is not an ideal of a diverse community, instead we experience the diversity of human abysses cheek by jowl.
- Finnland
- 00:15:30
- Director: Erkka Nissinen
- Production: xxxx
- Photography: xxxx
- Editing: xxxx
- Music: xxxx
- Sound: xxxx
- Languages: en
- Year: 2012
- German Premiere
An bizarre trip through the dreams and nightmares of film history and we are looking at those who live through it. The tangled worlds of bizarre rooms and landscapes inside their heads end when the dreamers wake up drenched in sweat and slowly become aware of where they actually are.
- Deutschland
- 00:07:28
- Director: Harald Schleicher
- Production: xxxx
- Photography: xxxx
- Editing: xxxx
- Music: xxxx
- Sound: xxxx
- Languages: en
- Year: 2013