Kassel Dokfest – A Unique Film and Media Festival
The Kassel Documentary Film and Video Festival is a yearly six day event and takes place in Mid-November. The Filmladen Kassel – an organization which is nationally acclaimed for its engaged work in cinema every year – is the organizer of the festival.
Kassel Dokfest – A Unique Film and Media Festival
The Kassel Documentary Film and Video Festival is a yearly six day event and takes place in Mid-November. The Filmladen Kassel – an organization which is nationally acclaimed for its engaged work in cinema every year – is the organizer of the festival.
The film program, which includes short and feature documentary films and artistic- experimental productions, is the center piece of the festival. During the six festival days about 300 films are shown. The festival’s profile also encompasses the trans-media section Monitoring, an exhibition of current video and media installations, the expert symposium interfiction, the DokfestLounge and the film educational side program junges dokfest as well as the DokfestForum.
With the Hessian University Film Day, the presentation of a European Film College and hands-on workshops and lectures, the Kassel Dokfest offers possibilities for further education, information on education opportunities and access to professional networks for (Hessian) up-and-coming filmmakers.
The Kassel Dokfest ist known and loved for its intimate atmosphere, where the local audience as well as filmmakers and media professionals from Germany, Europe and the whole world meet every year. As a film and media festival with an international approach and a strong focus on new media the Dokfest Kassel is unique in Hesse.
For the 28th edition the festival had 11,800 guests in 2011, among them 550 accredited professionals. In 2012, the Kassel Dokfest will take place for the 29th time from November 13-18, 2012!
The center piece of the Kassel Dokfest is the film program, divided into three sections.
The workshop symposium interfiction offers lectures, presentations and workshop-sessions concerning a yearly changing topic, which takes a closer look at the political, social and artistic aspects of the medium internet.
The educational side program for young audiences, “junges dokfest – Watch and understand documentary film”, has been presented in cooperation with the Regulatory Authority for Commercial Broadcasting in Hesse (LPR Hessen) since 2009.
Das DokfestForum wurde 2010 in Kooperation mit dem Fridericianum ins Leben gerufen. Mit Vorträgen, Artist Talks und Screenings, die sich thematisch in der Schnittmenge von Film und Kunst bewegen, erweitert das DokfestForum das Spektrum des Festivals um die bildende Kunst.
Das Kasseler Dokfest freut sich, dass die Kooperation mit dem Fridericianum unter der neuen Direktorin Susanne Pfeffer fortgeführt wird. An drei Abenden präsentiert das Fridericianum Filmvorführungen und Künstler/innengespräche, die sowohl Praktiken des Dokumentarischen vorstellen als auch thematisch auf die aktuelle Ausstellung „Speculations on Anonymous Materials“ Bezug nehmen: Wie haben die tiefgreifenden technologischen Veränderungen der letzten 20 Jahre unseren Umgang mit Bildern, Körper, Sprache und Welt gewandelt und auf welche Weise bedingen sie auch andere Herangehensweisen des Dokumentarischen? Diese Fragestellungen stehen im Zentrum des diesjährigen DokfestForums. Der neuseeländische, in Berlin lebende Künstler Simon Denny und die amerikanische Künstlerin Frances Stark präsentieren eigene Arbeiten und diskutieren im Anschluss über diese. Bjørn Melhus richtet den Blick auf seine Lehrtätigkeit an der Kasseler Kunsthochschule und den künstlerischen Werdegang seiner Student/innen.
With the Hessian University Film Day, the presentation of a European Film College and hands-on workshops and lectures, the Kassel Dokfest offers possibilities for further education, information on education opportunities and access to professional networks for (Hessian) up-and-coming filmmakers.
Photos © Dokfest / Sven Heine
Opening (15 photos)
Awards (16 photos)
Screenings (24 photos)
Monitoring (32 photos)
Monitoring / Installation view Südflügel at KulturBahnhof
Monitoring / Sebastian Diaz Morales Insight", 2013
Monitoring / Installation view Südflügel at KulturBahnhof
Monitoring / Franz Reimer "The Situation Room", 2013
Monitoring / Nora de Baan "Filmhaufen", 2007-2013
Monitoring / Gilles Fontolliet "The tank, the man and the street.", 2013
Monitoring / Fabian Wendling "Remis", 2013
Monitoring / Fabian Wendling "Remis", 2013
Monitoring / Gabriela Golder "Conversation Piece", 2012
Monitoring / Jasmina Cibic "Framing the Space", 2013
Monitoring / Nieves de la Fuente Gutiérrez "Fehler Faktor", 2013
Monitoring / Franz Christoph Pfannkuch "γαλαξίας", 2013
Monitoring / Renaud Duval "Clipon Archives", 2012
Monitoring / Renaud Duval "Clipon Archives", 2012
Monitoring / Installation view Kasseler Kunstverein
Monitoring / Hector Rodriguez "Gestus : Judex", 2012
Monitoring / Hector Rodriguez "Gestus : Judex", 2012
Monitoring / !Mediengruppe Bitnik "Delivery for Mr. Assange", 2013
Monitoring / Kurt Caviezel "no video", 2003-2013
Monitoring / John Gillies "Granite", 2012
Monitoring / Christoph Wachter, Mathias Jud "BLACKLIST", 2010-2013
Monitoring / Christoph Wachter, Mathias Jud "BLACKLIST", 2010-2013
Monitoring / Jonathan Pirny, Jörn Röder "100% Security", 2013
Monitoring / Opening
Monitoring / Eröffnung
Monitoring / Opening
Monitoring / Opening
Monitoring / Opening
Monitoring / Opening/Lukas Thiele and Tilman Hatje
Monitoring / Opening/Joel Baumann
Monitoring / The artists
Monitoring / Opening/Brigitte Bergholter
DokfestForum (7 photos)
young dokfest (7 photos)
DokfestLounge (6 photos)
workshop congress interfiction (4 photos)
Praxis Dokfest (0 photos)
4. Hessischer Hochschulfilmtag (8 photos)
Fünf Uhr Tee in Kiribati (0 photos)
A Wall is a Screen (12 photos)
Others (4 photos)