A brochure with important information can be downloaded here.
DokfestGeneration introduces a small but fine selection of documentary feature length films, which pick up in different ways the dialogue between the generations. "Film has no age", is the motto. Elder film fans – but not only they – will be fond of the DokfestGeneration films which are chosen for them and are shown in the most beautiful cinema in Kassel, the fifties movie theater Gloria.
While festival areas like new media / cross media and the junges dokfest and the Hessian University Film Day target young cineastes, the section DokfestGeneration takes into account the much discussed and often too negatively portrayed demographic change. An ageing audience gains importance not only in quantitative, but also in qualitatively terms. We understand ageing not only as an inevitable fate, but also as an opportunity. Looking back at a long life means also that there is more experience which can benefit all generations.
Those who still have to discover festival films as sophisticated entertainment, or have booked the Dokfest as an event for professionals and young people can find themselves in the films aimed at them, be encouraged and be moved by them. They are invited to enrich the Dokfest with their experience and to engage in a dialogue. The filmmakers will be, if possible, there for a public discussion subsequently to the screening. Here it also holds true that the audience completes the film.