On january 20, 2017 the third edition of „Emerging Artists – Contemporary Experimental Films and Video Art from Germany“ will premiere at Stuttgarter Filmwinter. The program is presented by AG Kurzfilm and German Films and curated by representatives of well-known German festivals – amongst others our festival director Gerhard Wissner.
The organizers would like to promote strongly artistic oriented film and video works, that can not only be shown at festivals, but also in museums and galleries.
The third edition of “Emerging Artists” includes the following works:
WUNSCHKONZERT by Marlene Denningmann
SURFACE GLAZE by Lotte Meret Effinger
PLATEAU by Vanessa Nica Mueller
MY BBY 8L3W by Art Collective NEOZOON
LUCKY by Ines Christine Geißer, Kirsten Carina Geißer
MOON BLINK by Rainer Kohlberger
For SURFACE GLAZE Lotte Meret Effinger won the „Golden Cube“ in 2016 at 33rd Kassel Dokfest, our award fot the best media installation. Furthermore four of the films from the „Emerging Artists“ program were shown 2015 at 32nd Kasseler Dokfest: IN BETWEEN IDENTITIES by Aleksandar Radan, MY BBY 8L3W by Art Collective NEOZOON, LUCKY by Ines Christine Geißer, Kirsten Carina Geißer and MOON BLINK by Rainer Kohlberger.
The program was curated by: Insa Wiese (Internationale Kurzfilmwoche Regensburg), Alfred Rotert (European Media Art Festival, Osnabrück), Giovanna Thiery (Stuttgarter Filmwinter) and Gerhard Wissner (Kassel Documentary Film and Video Fest).
Contact for booking and further information:
AG Kurzfilm – Bundesverband Deutscher Kurzfilm
Anne Turek turek@ag-kurzfilm.de | Tel.: 0351.4045575 |
ag-kurzfilm.de | shortfilm.de | kurzfilmtournee.de | kurzfilmtag.com