
DokfestGeneration introduces a small but fine selection of documentary feature length films, which pick up in different ways the dialogue between the generations. "Film has no age", is the motto. Elderly film fans – but not only they – will be fond of the DokfestGeneration films which are chosen for them and are shown in the most beautiful cinema in Kassel, the fifties movie theater Gloria.

DokfestGeneration, which has been a part of Kassel Dokfest since 2014, commits itself to the initiation of dialogue between generations and aims to appeal to older film fans. DokfestGeneration integrates themes of aging, age-appropriate narration, and generativity into the festival program, hereby acknowledging that existence in a succession of generations is formative for the individual and for society, a fact that is oftentimes essential for documentary film.

35. Kasseler Dokfest | DokfestGeneration

Kristin Schmidt (Regisseurin von "Adelheid, Kornelius und die Töde") im Q&A zur Weltpremiere
Volles Haus im Gloria Kino
Moderatorinnen Trio Livia Theuer und Irmhild Scheuer (Sektion DokfestGeneration) mit Constance Hahn (Sektion Goldener Herkules)