Monitoring – Exhibition for Time-Based Media Art

The exhibition Monitoring presents artworks which include film, audiovisual, digital or media-critical approaches into Installation. It provides a forum for media art and presents well-established artists and promising up-and-coming talents. The thematic focus and the curatorial concept of the exhibition are composed based on received submissions of an open call by a Jury of cultural workers, artists, and curators. All works in the exhibition are nominated for the Golden Cube for the best media installation, which is endowed with 3,500 €. The award is donated by the software company Micromata GmbH.      

Golden Cube

All works selected for the exhibition Monitoring compete for the Golden Cube, the prize for the best media installation, endowed with 3.500 € and sponsored by the software company Micromata GmbH, located in Kassel. Next to the “White Cube” of the showroom of contemporary art and the “Black Cube”, the room of film presentation painted black, the “Golden Cube” takes in an in-between position and explicitly promotes the interaction of spatial and audio-visual aspects of media installations. The jury 2019 consisted of Wolfgang Jung, Andrea Linnekohl, Grace Philips, Laurie Robins, Wanda vanderStoop, Philipp Ziegler.

Monitoring took place from November 13 to November 17, 2019.

Selection Committee 2019

Lisa Dreykluft, Kerstin Honeit, Holger Jenss, Franz Reimer, Eva Scharrer, Anna-Lisa Scherfose, Olaf Val, Gerhard Wissner Ventura

Head of Monitoring/ Technical Management: Lisa Dreykluft

Assistant: Cat Woywood

Exhibition review 

36. Kasseler Dokfest | Monitoring – Ausstellung für Medieninstallationen

The award winners of the past editions

2019: Kapwani Kiwanga THE SECRETARY'S SUITE 2018: Grace Philips, Laurie Robins REAL PERFORMANCE 2017: Ralph Schulz TESTIMONIALS 2016: Lotte Meret SURFACE GLACE 2015: Gerald Schauder SKULPTUR21 2014: Bertrand Flanet: UNMANNED DISTANCES 2013: !Mediengruppe Bitnik: DELIVERY FOR MR. ASSANGE 2012: Emanuel Mathias NEBAHATS SCHWESTERN 2011: Anu Pennanen LA RUINE DE REGARDE 2010: Lukas Thiele / Tilman Hatje WELTMASCHINE

Honorable mention of the past editions

2019: Clarissa Thieme Can't You See Them? – Repeat. 2018: Wermke/Leinkauf 4. HALBZEIT 2017: Marlene Maier FOOD ONLY EXISTS IN PICTURES 2016: Jolander Gsponder / Yves Netzhammer / Annette Brütsch / u.a. PETER LIECHTI – DEDICATIONS 2015: Kerstin Honeit Talking Business 2014: Daniel Laufer REDUX 2013: Franz Christoph Pfannkuch γαλαξίας (GALAXIS) 2011 Ryota Kuwakubo THE TENTH SENTIMENT 2010: Anthony McCall LEAVING [WITH TWO-MINUTE SILENCE]


Monitoring archive