Up-to-date information on junges dokfest - Bilderwelten denken, Kinoraum erleben, the educational program during this year's Dokfest can be found on our main website.
junges dokfest – Watch and Understand
Documentary Film is a film program targeted at
a younger audience to get them involved in the
festival and allow 8th to 13th year students to
better get to know documentaries as a genre. This
offers them an opportunity to be exposed to the
diversity of this genre and to talk to the filmmakers that will be in Kassel as part of the festival.
The program of films is curated under the direction of the art educator Karin Balkenhol, media educator Stefan Bornemann, cinematographer Alexander du Prel and cultural manager/ animator Sabine Schmidt. junges dokfest – Watch and Understand Documentary Film is organized by the Dokfest Kassel in cooperation with the Regularity Authority for Commercial Broadcasting in Hesse (LPR Hessen).
Screening Commission 2019:
Karin Balkenhol
Stefan Bornemann
Alexander du Prel
Sabine Schmidt