The Homecoming

| The Homecoming
Filmladen Kassel

Where do I come from, where do I go? These are questions that probably everyone asks at some point in life. The search for answers becomes more explosive for Bernd, who suffers from brain damage due to the mother’s alcohol abuse during pregnancy. Already taken from the family as an infant, he has a lot of gaps regarding his origin. Together with his colleague Joann, he sets off on a search for clues in the city of his birth Berlin, where the two of them have to overcome obstacles before they get any closer to the truth. An exciting long-term observation with likable everyday heroes!

  • Duration: 97 Min.
  • Countries: Germany
  • Languages: German
  • Production year: 2020

  • Director: Tim Boehme
  • Production: Katja Boehme
  • Camera: Tim Boehme
  • Editing: Omar Sultan
  • Sound: Jörg Berger, Lars Ohlendorf
  • Music: Achim Treu