
Artists, video- and filmmakers, designers, programmers and (h)activists, researchers in media and network cultures, and others interested in interdisciplinary exchange are invited to join the conference and to discuss their ideas and projects. Moreover, the interfiction DIY-Lab will offer opportunities to test, to share and to develop how-tos and know-how in practice as well. 

Call for contributions and further information:


interfiction, a yearly workshop symposium, has been part of the Kassel Documentary Film and Video Festival since 1995. As the interdisciplinary section of the festival, interfiction’s aim is to bring together artists and scholars, theorists and practitioners in one event, in order to deal with the complex field of art, media and net culture together. Every year there is a new topic of focus. Based on the pressing questions of the issues, projects and hypothesis are presented and discussed, while workshops and talks enable a concentrated exchange, which is supposed to lead to a deeper reflection and show new perspectives.

interfiction is a forum for the exchange, networking and cooperation of producers of theory practice. The main structure of the event is reflected in the wish to function as a “temporary laboratory” – not only a platform for ideas and projects but to enable a direct and productive discussion about questions and problems which are essential to the participants.

Head of the section is Dr. Verena Kuni, professor for Visual Culture at the Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main.

Interfiction Interdiciplinary Conference & Workshop Symposium For Art, Media And Network Cultures

This year‘s interfiction takes a closer look at techniques and technologies, forms and formats, imaginations and fictions, utopias and realities of more-than-human – thus including machinic – coexistence. Under what conditions can such a coexistence succeed? What can we learn from the practices of symbionts – and what can we learn from the art(s) of sympoiesis, from sympoieses in the arts? What can the latter contribute whenever we want SYM:BIO:FICTION(s) to become real? Artists, video- and filmmakers, designers, programmers and (h)activists, researchers in media and network cultures, and others interested in interdisciplinary exchange are invited to join the conference and to discuss their ideas and projects.

interfiction 2021 is taking place online, find more information at

35. Kasseler Dokfest | interfiction

Interdisziplinäre Workshoptagung interfiction
Interdisziplinäre Workshoptagung interfiction
Verena Kuni (Sektionsleitung)
Interdisziplinäre Workshoptagung interfiction