The center piece of the Kassel Dokfest is the film program, divided into three sections:


Up to 16 contemporary media installations and sculptures by up-and-coming as well as well-known artists will be presented at the exhibition Monitoring.

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The DokfestLounge is not only the location for audiovisual performances by international artists, VJs and DJs but also the nocturnal meeting point for our guests after 10.30 pm.

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The Workshop symposium interfiction offers lectures, presentations and workshop-sessions concerning a yearly changing topic, which takes a closer look at the political, social and artistic aspects of the medium internet.

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This educational side program is aimed at school students from the 7th till the 13th grade as well as teachers. The project consists of special film programs as well as workshops about film analysis and criticism under the guidance of media educators.

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The DokfestForum offers panels, lectures and screenings that raise questions about the interfaces between film and art. During the daytime the DokfestForum as a festival meeting point will provide a café with a video library for accredited guests.

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With the Hessian University Film Day, the presentation of a European Film College and hands-on workshops and lectures, the Kassel Dokfest offers possibilities for further education, information on education opportunities and access to professional networks for (Hessian) up-and-coming filmmakers.

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Conditions of Participation

Each work to be submitted has to be registered with a separate and filled out entry form. Every director, author or artist may submit a maximum of five works to the different sec­tions of the Kassel Documentary Film and Video Festival. The submitted works should be current productions of the years 2014 or 2015. To be complete, each application must include a short synopsis, a biography and a filmography in the form of a hard copy. The work should be submitted as a link for downloading via a video platform for the preselection process. (In exceptional cases we accept digital storage devices.) If you have not uploa­ded images at the online submission form, please send stills on CD / DVD to the following address:

Kassel Documentary Film and Video Festival
c/o Filmladen Kassel
Goethestrasse 31
34119 Kassel

Please note that we do not send receipt confirmations.
In case the original version is neither in English nor in German, the work should be subtitled in English or German or accompanied by a text list in English. For installation and performance proposals we need a detailed project sketch and estimated costs for realization, a list of the technical requirements as well as a video documentation and photographs, if available.

Proposals for the interfic­tion symposium have to be submitted via www.interfiction.org.

Deadline for all sections is July 10, 2015. The results of the selection will be announced via e-mail by the end of October. All submitters will receive a free festi­val catalog in November. If your work has been selected, we will request a screening copy in best possible quality and will, as far as possible, invite the authors and artists to come to Kassel during the festival to join us for discussions. Selected films and videos will further be provided in a video library for accredited guests only, if the submitter does not explicitly object.

Transport and Customs
All deliveries to and from the festival are at the risk of the sender. Shipments from non EU-countries have to bear the following note: “No commercial value. For cultural purposes only. Temporary loan for festival. Value = 0 Euro“. Shipments whose customs declaration forms have not been filled out accordingly will not be accepted.
The costs of sending screening copies to the festival are at cost of the sender. The festival will cover the costs for the return of the screening copies. During the festival, all screening copies are insured for their replacement value. Any claim for compensation must be asserted within 10 days after the screening copy has been returned.

Rights of use and archival storage
All preview material submitted to the 32nd Kassel Dokfest remains in the festival archive. The archived works will be accessible solely for academic and curatorial purposes.
For the festival communication the submitters provide the Kassel Documentary Film and Video Festival with texts and images which can be used (amongst others) in the catalog, the festival flyer, the website as well as for further advertising efforts undertaken by the Kassel Dokfest.
With the submission of these materials the submitters assure that they own the right of use for these materials and that this does not collide with the rights of other third parties or collecting societies.
It is the responsibility of the producers, distributors and/or other applying organizations to ensure that permission has been obtained from all appropriate parties before submitting a work for selection to the festival.

The Kassel Dokfest is a partner of the digital archive and presentation project mediaartbase.de, for which the documenta Archiv Kassel / Kassel Dokfest together with the European Media Art Festival Osnabrück (EMAF) and the ZKM | Institut für Musik und Akustik des ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe were selected by the Kulturstiftung des Bundes for the KUR-Program to Preserve and Restore Mobile Cultural Assets. The aim of mediaartbase.de is to save the extensive collections of the respective institutions and make them accessible to the public. For further information, please go to www.mediaartbase.de.
Within the project mediaartbase.de preview copies of the works presented in the festival program will be registered and indexed and (only) the metadata of the respective works will be displayed in the portal. A presentation of the films and videos – in excerpts or in whole – is not intended. Only with the consent of the respective filmmaker, artist, produ­cer as well as the Kassel Dokfest can works be digitalized and incorporated into mediaart­base.de. This is regulated through a contract, which is agreed upon with all parties involved.