Exhibition Monitoring
The Golden Cube, endowed with 3,500 €, is awarded to the best media installation presented in the exhibition Monitoring and is sponsored by the software company Micromata GmbH. All works presented in the exhibition are automatically nominated for this prize.
Jury 2020
Amina Handke is an artist, curator and author living and working in Vienna, Austria. Her work evolves around questions of originality and complexit, contradictory constructions of identities and authenticity. It also addresses the borders between disciplines, mainly using time based media and methods: audiovisual, performative and conceptual.
Wolfgang Jung is software designer and co-founder of Micromata GmbH. Since 2015 he develops electronical election systems for the POLYAS Ltd. in Kassel. 2014 and 2015 he was lecturer for Physical Computing at School of Art and Design Kassel in the department of visual communication. From 2012 and 2013 he ran the club Batterie at the KulturBahnhof. 2010 to 2015 he was part of the Project Nachrichtenmeisterei (electronic hotel, stromodrom). For documenta X he was responsible for the technical infrastructure of the media based works. Since 1993, he is active in technical support for the Kassel Dokfest.
Hermann Nöring studied Media Science, History, Film Studies, Fine Arts and Education in Osnabrück and London (MA Media Science). He is curator and artistic director of exhibitions and programs of European Media Art Festival and Goethe Institute. Project manager of lichtsicht – Projection-Biennial. Also he regularly is a member of juries and award committees like Artronica Bogota, Film-Festival Moscow, Video Art Award Bremen or Digital Sparks Bonn.
Marc Siegel is Professor of Film Studies at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz. His book “A Gossip of Images” is forthcoming from Duke University Press. He recently published “My Levitating Butt and Other Queer Abstractions” in Differenz und Affirmation, ed. Julia Bee and Nicole Kandioler (b_books, 2020). He is on the advisory board of the Forum Expanded/Berlinale and founding member of the Berlin-based art collective CHEAP.
Clarissa Thieme works across film, photography, performance, installation and text, she combines documentary and fictional forms focusing on processes of memory, politics of identity and strategies of translation. Her practice is research-based and often takes a collaborative approach. Thieme studied Media Art at the University of the Arts Berlin, holds a MA in Cultural Studies and Aesthetic Practice and is research alumni of the Berlin Center for Advanced Studies in Arts and Sciences. 2019 she got a honorary mention (Golden Cube) for her work CAN´T YOU SEE THEM ?– REPEAT.
Award Winners
2020 Paula Ábalos: Diarios de Trabajos
2019 Kapwani Kiwanga: The Secretary’s Suite
2018 Grace Philips, Laurie Robins: Real Performance
2017 Ralph Schulz: Testimonials
2016 Lotte Meret: Surface Glaze
2015 Gerald Schauder: Skulptur 21
2014 Bertrand Flanet: Unmanned Distances
2013 !Mediengruppe Bitnik: Delivery for Mr. Assange
2012 Emanuel Mathias: Nebahats Schwestern
2011 Anu Pennanen: La ruine de regard / Die Ruine des Blicks
2010 Lukas Thiele, Tilman Hatje: Weltmaschine
2009 Sophie Ernst: HOME
2008 Stefanos Tsivopoulos: Untitled (The Remake)
2007 Erik Olofsen: Public Figures
2006 Markus Bertuch: Walperloh
2005 Eske Schlüters: Knowing as much as the man in the moon
2004 Renzo Martens: Episode 1
2003 Claudia Aravena Abughosh: Greetings from Palestina