Single ticket 6,50 / 6 €
Single ticket junges dokfest (Screening A, B, C) 2,50 €
Festival pass 49,- / 39,- €
The festival pass entitles to free entry for all film and video programs (except for the opening night) as well as the DokfestLounge – except the festival party on Saturday, Nov 17. The event Dokfest-Brunch + Matinée is not included.
Dokfest-Brunch + Matinée (Film program)
On Sunday, November 17th, the festival invites you to a luscious brunch at Gleis 1 (from 10 a.m., KulturBahnhof) with ensuing film program (12 a.m., at BALi Kino, KulturBahnhof).
Ticket for Dokfest-Brunch + Matinée 12,- / 10,- €
Single ticket Matinée 6,50 / 6 €
Wed. 13.11. 4,- €
Thurs. 14.11. 3,- €
Fri. 15.11. 6,- €
Sat. 16.11. 6,- €
The entrance for the exhibition Monitoring, the panel and workshop series PraxisDokfest, the workshop symposium interfiction and DokfestForum is free of charge.
Ticket reservation
Reservations for all programs can be placed in advance by phone or in person. Tickets can be picked up between 90 minutes at the earliest, 30 minutes at the latest before the beginning of the program at the respective cinema. Reservations that are not picked up will then be sold to waiting guests.
Ticket hotline:
Filmladen: +49.561.7076422
BALi Kinos: +49.561.710550
Gloria Kino: +49.561.7667950