DokfestChannels – DokfestSalon – Future German Cinema

Nine theses on the future of cinema documentary film by Daniel Sponsel & Adele Kohout, DOK.fest München (in German language)

Today, cinema and thus cinema documentaries are facing one of the greatest challenges in their history. However, the restrictions imposed by COVID-19 have only intensified a trend that has been emerging for several years. Now, after recent catastrophic box office numbers due to lockdown and current restrictions, and with the new presence of online opportunities, the question finally arises: Is that it? Is cinema dead? – Not if we act now, Daniel Sponsel and Adele Kohout say in their current statement on the subject. In the spirit of "the condemned live longer", the two directors behind DOK.fest Munich have put forward nine theses on the future of cinema documentary film. Based on the online edition of the 2020 festival, Sponsel and Kohout show how the documentary film can take advantage of the current situation and what steps are now necessary to enable cinemas to benefit from the chances. Because: The future can best be predicted when you help shape it yourself.

VoD on our cinema's service

by Jens Geiger & Mikosch Horn (in German language)

Two of the developers of the concept, Jens Geiger (curator and board member HvC) and Mikosch Horn (Filmhaus Nürnberg) present the dimensions of the project, the status of development and possibilities to participate (in German). „Cinemalovers” is a platform under development that will enable cinemas to share their programs, their expertise and their visibility in the digital world. Developed by two dedicated cinema associations, the Federal Association of Communal Cinemas (BkF) and the Main Association for Cinephilia (HvC), the concept applies to the cinemas and to their own unique selling points. Cinemalovers in the cinemas’ service! „Cinemalovers” yet another variation of the already established commercial distribution of moving image content via stream, but the reversal of their market logic. „Cinemalovers” means the expansion of the cultural mission of ambitious arthouse cinemas into the digital field. "Cinemalovers" is a cinephile occupation of the digital! „Cinemalovers” is not a service provider with its own interests, „Cinemalovers” is a non-commercial initiative from the cinema for the cinemas. The financial sovereignty, control over customer data and content-related policy authority remain with the local cinema makers.