Matthew's Laws

Director Marc Schmidt films his childhood friend Matthew, who, due to his autistic disorder, desperately tries to create order in the chaos around him. Schmidt follows him close to the heart. Explosive confrontations with the outside world are alternated with stylized observations and personal confessions. Little by little the film unravels Matthew's complex way of thinking and shows the catastrophic consequences it eventually has for him.
Thursday, January 01th 1970 at 12:45 h, Filmladen
- Niederlande
- 72:00 Min.
- Director: Marc Schmidt
- Production: Simone van den Broek, Eline van Wees, Renske Meertens
- Photography: Marc Schmidt, Aage Hollander
- Editing: Katarina Turler
- Music: Jasper Boeke
- Sound: Sander den Broeder
- Languages: niederländisch
- Subtitles: englische
- Year: 2012
A38-Production Grant Kassel-Halle