Game not over
The interaction of digital technology and cinematic means constantly leads to new aesthetic forms. But also beyond entertainment media, similar images are formed reciprocally – in the form of changing perception but also as an everyday phenomenon. While for instance combat robots were considered a fictional concept only recently, today real people surrender to drones. Such correlations will continue to create new forms, within the mixing boundaries between the perceived, simulated and real world – Game not over.
We'll become Oil

In a desert landscape several combat helicopters appear. They whirl up the soil and fly in circling formations until they cause each other to crash to the ground. Blazing fires and thick smoke remain. This destructive drama is accompanied by dark sounds. In the predominant aesthetic, the impression is that of a non-fictional film, which was accomplished with the help of digital image technology. The effect of this powerful scenario wakes apocalyptic associations, which are mixed together with those of other films, war reporting and video games.
- Frankreich
- 08:00 Min.
- Director: Mihai Grecu
- Year: 2011
Reality 2.0

REALITY 2.0 combines the aesthetics of classical animation with real film images and refers to the digital media surrounding us. The film’s topic is also concerned with the power of images and the consequences for lived reality. The filmmaker, who came from Mexico to Germany to study, cannot forget the images of his homeland. What he now sees wakes old memories. In this way images of Hamburg are mixed with those of Mexico and youtube. They tell us about beautiful things but also about the violent excess of the drug war.
- Deutschland, Mexiko
- 11:00 Min.
- Director: Victor Orozco Ramirez
- Languages: spanisch
- Subtitles: englische, deutsche
- Year: 2012
Another Day of Depression in Kowloon

This film uses perspectives from the Ego-Shooter "Call of Duty: Black Ops" and shows a portrait of Kowloon, a densely populated and run down neighborhood in Hongkong. The image, which is created, is that of a rainy city in decay. Despite some burning lights in apartments, we never meet any people. A dark atmosphere prevails, which goes unnoticed by the player, who is used to move through a city rich in stimuli. In this way the film looks at the images of this problem quarter and its transformation, which the adaption into a computer game makes necessary.
- Hongkong
- 15:00 Min.
- Director: IP Yuk-Yiu
- Year: 2012
Tarnac. Le chaos et la grâce

TARNAC reconstructs a real hostage-taking of an alleged terrorist group from an Ego-Shooter perspective. The previous events are shown in form of film sequences, which bind together the singular narrative strings in the videos game. When the police attack begins, the view is changed into the Ego perspective, making it an action perspective. The Epilogue shows a real TV broadcast of a parliamentary announcement about the case – on a TV screen in a 3D surrounding. The combination of real circumstances with the aesthetics and the dramaturgy of computer games, results in a strange suspense and offers the room to question the levels of socially constructed reality.
- Frankreich
- 23:00 Min.
- Director: Joachim Olender
- Languages: französisch
- Subtitles: englische
- Year: 2012

A young man works as a farmer on a small farm. In his leisure time he continues to do this virtually with the computer game “Farming Simulator 2011”. In contrast to his real occupation, the fictional scenario is a company of industrial size, which results in accumulating profits – the aim of the game. To prepare the real farm for its future, there will have to be several technological changes made. The talk is of milking robots, which have already substituted milking machines on neighboring farms.
- Frankreich
- 19:40 Min.
- Director: Aurélie Kunert
- Languages: französisch
- Subtitles: englische
- Year: 2011
Terre blanche

In a 3D animation, seemingly mixed with traditional graphic elements, a black and white surrounding appears, which consists of landscapes and abandoned agricultural buildings. The simulated camera view flies over the landscapes or goes through singular buildings. A poetic, internal monologue seems to come form a person, who used to live and work there.
- Kanada
- 05:48 Min.
- Director: Michel Boulanger
- Languages: französisch
- Subtitles: englische
- Year: 2011