“I Want my Country Back” – The Tea Party

They are the discontented, the disappointed. Their attitudes follow simple political slogans. They are the new angry citizens of the Unites States of America: the members of the conservative, right-wing Tea Party movement, and their sympathizers. To describe them with clichés and disregard them would be a fatal mistake, considering their vehement and radical beliefs. Astrid Schult makes that very clear in her film. An important film to spark discussion on current developments in the USA and to anticipate those of the future.
Thursday, January 01th 1970 at 15:00 h, Filmladen
- Deutschland
- 82:00 Min.
- Director: Astrid Schult
- Production: Christian Drewing, Eikon Südwest
- Photography: Sebastian Bäumler
- Editing: Robert Wellié
- Music: Daniel Vulcano
- Sound: Oliver Stahn
- Languages: englisch
- Subtitles: deutsche
- Year: 2012
Golden Key