Kasseler Dokumentarfilm- und Videofest


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Marina Abramovic - The Artist is Present

Marina Abramovic – The Artist is Present

Wikipedia calls Marina Abramović, with a healthy dose of understatement, “an internationally renowned Serbian performance artist.” Indeed, if you have ever come in to contact with Abramović you will definitely never ever forget her. The centerpiece of this film is the MoMA retrospective of 2010 – a singular achievement, as ordinarily only the dead enjoy such a privilege there. The effect of Abramović's performances manage to break through the movie screen and to create a more holistic view in to the life and work of this exceptional artist.

Thursday, January 01th 1970 at 22:15 h, Gloria Kino
  • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
  • 105:00 Min.
  • Director: Matthew Akers
  • Production: Jeff Dupre, Maro Chermayeff
  • Photography: Matthew Akers
  • Editing: E. Donna Shepherd, Jim Hession
  • Music: Nathan Halpern
  • Languages: englisch
  • Year: 2012