German Unity @ Balaton - Honeyland

GERMAN UNITY @ BALATON – HONEYLAND is a reconstruction created from home movies, interviews, photographs, music and documents from the East German Stasi and files from the Hungarian Ministry of the Interior with additional fictional elements. East German tourists simply adored Lake Balaton because of its silky waters and sunny weather. It was a meeting place between East and West where divided families could enjoy Hungarian hospitality. But many of them were under surveillance by the East German Stasi and the Hungarian Ministry of the Interior.
Thursday, January 01th 1970 at 21:45 h, Filmladen
- Ungarn, Niederlande
- 79:00 Min.
- Director: Péter Forgács
- Production: László Kántor, Cesar Messemaker
- Photography: Gusztáv Hámos
- Editing: Péter Sass
- Music: Mihály Víg, Károly Cserepes
- Sound: Tamás Zányi
- Languages: deutsch
- Subtitles: englische
- Year: 2011