Nominees 2017
Halil Altindere (Journey to Mars), Tilman Hornig (GlassBook, GlassPhone), Annkathrin Kluss (Hyperreal Camouflage), Rainer Kohlberger (never comes tomorrow), Echo Can Luo (Oh Alexa, please.. tell me more!), Marlene Maier (Food only exists on pictures),
Joseph Namy (Purple, Bodies in Translation – Part II of a Yellow Memory from the Yellow Age), Mayan Printz (Displaced), Maximilian Schmoetzer (Preliminary Material for 2022), Ralph Schulz (Testimonials), Spoter/innen (Audiovisual Micro-Interventions for TRIBUNAL Unraveling the NSU Complex and beyond), Jasper Meiners, Isabel Paehr (Gazing Figures), Katrin Winkler (towards memory), Lam Yi-Ling (FULL INFORMATION IS PURE HORROR), Pinar Yoldas (The Kitty AI: Artificial Intelligence for Governance)