Since 2001, the Kassel Video and Documentary Film Festival has been awarding prizes, which usually focus on young artist’s talent. In addition to these awards, since 2015, the Kassel Dokfest is giving an honorary award to established directors, who have distinguished themselves by particularly innovative achievements in film and art, and are locals or connected to the Kassel Dokfest in a special way.
In this year the honorary prize, endowed with 3.000 Euro, will be awarded to the renowned director Klaus Stern. The prize is donated by the Kassel based company Hübner GmbH & Co. KG.
One of the Kassel Dokfest’s declared aims is the intersection of regional and international artistic
and cinematic works of all festival sections. Our concept of equal status between regional and international works is unique. Therefore, the Kassel Dokfest has become more and more important as a stimulus and place of communication for the local scene.
The filmic work of Klaus Stern is linked to this concept in various ways:The filmmaker has been in
closely connected to the Kassel Dokfest for years. His first film DER AUSTAUSCH – DIE VERGESSENE
ENTFÜHRUNG DES PETER LORENZ premiered at the Kassel Dokfest as part of the so called videosection at the Dock 4. Only three years later, Klaus Stern was awarded the “Golden Key” award, that was created to honor the work of emerging talents in filmmaking. In the history of the Kassel Dokfest the opening event of 2013 remains unforgotten:
the festival program was opened with Klaus Stern’s documentary VERSICHERUNGSVERTRETER
– DIE ERSTAUNLICHE KARRIERE DES MEHMET GÖKER. Dealing with one of the most passionately
discussed local scandals in Northern Hesse, the film attracted hundreds of visitors. Mehmet Göker was not only a high flyer in insurance business, but also raised numbers to more than 10.000 visitors in Kassel’s art house cinemas over the course of six months.
On two days special compilations will be shown as part of the festival’s program featuring films by Klaus Stern:
Wed. 15.11. / 3.15 p.m. / BALi Kinos
Der Austausch – Die vergessene Entführung des Peter Lorenz (44 Min.)
Andreas Baader – Der Staatsfeind (44 Min.)
Klaus Stern will be present.
Sat. 18.11. / 2.30 p.m. / GLORIA Kinos
Versicherungsvertreter – Die erstaunliche Karriere des Mehmet Göker (79 Min.)
Moderation by Fritz Wolf. The screening will be followed by a conversation with Klaus Stern on his filmic work.
This award as well as the other awards of Kassel Dokfest will be awarded on Sat. 18, 2017.
Laudatory speech will be held by Steffen Hallaschka.