Medienprojektzentrum Offener Kanal (KulturBahnhof)

Two evening lectures about the possible/impossible boundaries between fiction and documentary film in the post-cinematic present time
The DokfestForum will take place in cooperation with the Fridericianum. With lectures, artist talks and screenings, which thematically range in the intersection of film, documentary and art, the DokfestForum broadens the spectre of the festival to include the fine arts.
Over the course of two evenings the Fridericianum will present guests who, based on the cinematic work of artist Loretta Fahrenholz, will dedicate themselves to the theoretical discussion of the boundaries between documentary-film and fiction. In our, through media perceived and mediated, present, the camera is only one of many recording mediums, and is itself a part of the reality depicted. The transition between real life and activities in networks is hardly detectable, connection and mediation are omnipresent, everyone works on their self and the image of that self. The resulting change of cinematic picture, among other things, is currently discussed under the heading “post-cinema”. With the film scholar Selmin Kara and the philosopher and media scholar Astrid Deuber-Mankowsky, and as part of the exhibition by Loretta Fahrenholz, focus is directed towards the theory of the documental. Loretta Fahrenholz can currently be seen in the solo exhibition “Two A.M.” in the Fridericianum. With her films, she examines our, by collective fictions, self-staging and media-mediation characterized, present times.
Documenting the Post-Cinematic Present
Selmin Kara
Following: Talk with Selmin Kara, moderation Anna Sailer
in English
Friday November 18 / Fridericianum / 8-10 p.m.
To Invent a New Resistance: New Queer Cinema as Post-Cinema
Astrid Deuber-Mankowsky
Following: Talk with Astrid Deuber-Mankowsky, moderation Anna Sailer
In German
Selmin Kara
Selmin Kara is an Associate Professor of Film and New Media Studies at OCAD University in Toronto. She received her BA and MA in Istanbul and PhD in Detroit. Selmin Kara's primary research interests are the use of sound and new technologies in contemporary documentary, post-cinematic aesthetics, and eco-cinema. Selmin is the co-editor of the “Routledge Anthology Contemporary Documentary” (2016) and contributed, among others, to the edited collections “The Philosophy of Documentary” (2016), “Post-Cinema: Theorizing 21st Century Film” (2016), and the Oxford Handbook of Sound and Image in Digital Media (2013). She is currently working on her book project on cinema and the Anthropocene.
Astrid Deuber-Mankowsky
Philosopher and media scholar Astrid Deuber-Mankowsky is a professor for Media Science and Gender Studies at the Ruhr University Bochum. As a guest professor and on a research stay she has worked at the UC Berkeley, the Université Paris-Diderot and at the Columbia University in the City of New York. Her publications include “Situiertes Wissen und regionale Epistemologie: Zur Aktualität Georges Canguilhems und Donna J. Haraways” (published with Christoph Holzhey, 2013), “Praktiken der Illusion. Kant, Nietzsche, Cohen, Benjamin bis Donna J. Haraway” (2007) and “Lara Croft. Cyber Heroine” (2005). In November her most recent book will be released, “Queeres Post-Cinema. Yael Bartana, Su Friedrich, Todd Haynes, Sharon Hayes” (2016), published by August Verlag Berlin.
During the festival guests with accreditation or festival pass have free entrance to the exhibitions „Tetsumi Kudo. Retrospektive“ and „Loretta Fahrenholz. Two A.M.“ at Fridericianum.
Opening hours: Tue-Sun 11 a.m. – 6 p.m.